Pandas drop duplicate rows
Pandas drop duplicate rows

pandas drop duplicate rows


Also explained how to use the keep parameter that takes ‘first/last/false’ values, which controls the deletion of duplicate values. In this article I have explained how to drop duplicates based on Index using Index.drop_duplicates() function. Related: Pandas Get List of All Duplicate Rows Conclusion So after applying drop_duplicates(keep=’first’) on Index object idx, all the duplicates in the Index has been dropped by keeping the first occurences. Idx2 = idx.drop_duplicates(keep ='first') # Drop Duplicates Except the First Occurrence By default ‘ first‘ is taken as a value to the keep parameter. Now drop all occurrences of duplicates in the Index except the first occurrence. Drop Duplicates Except the First Occurrence # Drop all duplicate occurrences of the indexįollowing is the output for the above example, where you see all the duplicates are removed.Ģ. Now, let’s drop all occurrences of duplicate values in the Index by using drop_duplicates() as shown below, I am using keep=False as I wanted to remove all occurance of duplicates. In order to explain this with example, first, lets create an Index which contains duplicates values as show in below. Sometimes you may have duplicates in pandas index and you can drop these using index.drop_duplicates() (dropduplicates). This is used to store axis labels for all pandas objects. Pandas Index is a immutable sequence used for indexing and alignment. One of these contains points that should be masked in the other one, but the values are slightly offset from each other, meaning a direct match with dropduplicates is not possible. The value ‘ first’ keeps the first occurrence for each set of duplicated entries. 1 What I have is two Pandas dataframes of coordinates in xyz-format. The parameter ‘ keep‘ controls which duplicate values should be removed. This return Index with duplicate values removed. ‘ last’ : Drop duplicates except for the last occurrence.‘ first’ : Drop duplicates except for the first occurrence.

pandas drop duplicate rows

Parameter keep takes one of the following values ‘ first’, ‘ last’, False, default is ‘ first’. Syntax of Index.drop_duplicates()įollowing is the syntax of the index.drop_duplicates().

Pandas drop duplicate rows